RILDefender represents the the first inline prevention system integrated into the Android smartphone OS’s Radio Interface Layer (RIL). It addresses a wide range of SMS-based exploits that compromise user privacy availability, and unauthorized code execution. RILDefender offers several critical advantages over existing SMS defense technologies. Unlike existing SMS defenses, RILDefender not only detects the breadth of known SMS exploits but can intercede (block) them automatically in real-time. Its integration into Android's RIL makes it agnostic to a wide range of vendor-specific smartphone OSs.
An Android Mobile Privacy Protection Service Against SMS Exploits

Clean and Native Android UI
RILDefender offers you an user interface developed as a system app and allows you to:
Receive real-time SMS attack alerts
Set individual security policy per exploit detected: including Allow, Notify, Block without Notify, Block and Notify
Whitelist of trusted sources (e.g., to allow law enforcement agencies to track your phone)
View RILDefender Alert History
Add New YAML-based Attack Signatures

Where to learn more
Haohuang Wen, Phillip Porras, Vinod Yegneswaran, and Zhiqiang Lin, "Thwarting smartphone SMS attaccks at the Radio Interface Layer," in Proceedings of the ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), San Diego, CA, U.S.A., February, 2023. [paper]
What is RILDefender: An Overview of RILDefender, the first inline prevention system integrated into the Android smartphone OS’s Radio Interface Layer (RIL)
Source Code:
RILDefender Github Repo (Currently support Android 10, 11, 12, 13 of various Android phone models)